Glenview, IL Physical Therapy
North Shore Physical Wellness is a physical therapy practice that serves Glenview, IL patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. We contribute to your greater comfort through physical therapy centering on multiple components of your health and wellness.
Glenview physical therapy patients benefit from our attention because we concentrate on the cause of the problem rather than only treat the symptom.
Chiropractor, Acupuncture (Glenview, IL)
We also provide skilled chiropractor and acupuncture services for Glenview patients who might be suffering from muscle pains or spasms or irritation of the nervous system. In addition to chiropractor services and acupuncture, we specialize in nutritional counseling and custom-molded orthotics.
Glenview Massage Therapy
North Shore Physical Wellness provides relaxing and relieving massage therapy as well. Plus, if you need more than physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture or chiropractor services, we can connect you to our skilled network of medical doctors, neurologists and orthopedists.
We appreciate serving our Glenview patients and hope to hear from you soon.